Infinity ESearch Pvt. Ltd, IGRMTM - Indian Ground Realty Mantra (P) Ltd

Overview: Infinity Esearch Pvt. Ltd., Leading Web Marketing (Search Engine Optimization) Company in Gurgaon. Their division IGRMTM or Indian Ground Realty Mantra (P) Ltd is a new-age real estate organization providing a wide spectrum of solutions and services in various sectors of Indian real estate business. IGRMTM introduces to the Indian real estate market a cutting-edge technology for real estate transactions and the best practices at per with global standards.

My Role: Full Corporate Branding: Online Presence, Print (Brocher Design). Designed Full visual communication of the Brand. UI / Web Design of cororate brand site and other micro sites.

Disclaimer: The work in this portfolio is copyrighted by the respective companies and organizations of which they are a representation of. The Author (Shipra Bisht) has, in different capacities and roles worked on these projects. The projects may have involved the author as the sole person working, or as a member of a team.

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